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Dog's life saved after eating massive amount of hair ties

Think you had a hard day? Louie was having a ruff time until vets pulled one-and-a-half pounds of hair ties from his stomach.
Credit: Idaho Humane Society

BOISE, Idaho — Hair ties are something people buy a lot of. If you have long hair, you may often have thought where did all my hair ties go? For most people, they simply become lost or that little imaginary gnome gets them, but in the case of one dog owner, none of those was the case.

Their dog, Louie, was clearly sick. He wasn't holding down food and the owners took him to the vet. After being x-rayed at the Idaho Humane Society's Veterinary Medical Center, they discovered Louie had an obstruction.

"What they discovered during surgery was shocking — Louie had ingested an astonishing 1.5 pounds of hair ties, removed handful by handful," said Chief Executive Officer of Idaho Humane Society's Veterinary Medical Center, Jeff Rosenthal. "Imagine how relieved Louie must have felt when he woke up from surgery. And that's not all. His worried owner finally had a diagnosis and a cure for her beloved pet."

The Idaho Humane Society's Veterinary Medical Center also helps people with finances with its Easy Fund urgent care assistance. 

"Without this essential support, many families might face the heartbreaking decision to surrender a pet they can't afford to treat. But thanks to you, pets like Louie can get the urgent care they need while staying with the families who love them," Rosenthal said. "Our medical and surgical services for injured or ill pets are available to any pet owner, regardless of their ability to pay. Today, Louie is back to his playful self."

It's a dog eat hair tie world, but every dog has its day.

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