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Boise neighbors react after another prowler report

Residents in a neighborhood near Boise Avenue and Beacon Street are on high alert after a third prowler has been reported in the last two months.
Reports of a prowler have plagued an area of campus near Boise Avenue and Beacon Street (10/3/2014).

BOISE -- Residents in a neighborhood near Boise Avenue and Beacon Street are on high alert after a third prowler has been reported in the last two months.

"Yesterday morning is the most recent incident we are concerned about," said Boise Police Department Lt. Ron Winegar. "The moment she heard something suspicious she called 911."

The woman caller acted fast though, according to Lt. Winegar. She heard someone trying to open a door to her home but was able to scare off whoever it was.

"(We) called for a K-9 unit to see if we could track the person who fled," said Lt. Winegar.

On top of that, Boise State University administrators sent out an email alert for its students.

"I got an email, from I think it was campus security," said junior Calvin Nichols who lives nearby.

The Boise State alert advised students to always lock windows and doors to their homes and cars, walk in groups, and immediately notify police of suspicious activity. Nichols said he wishes police would do even more, especially because there have been other prowler reports.

"I think they need to spend more time cracking down on the prowlers," he said. "I want to feel like I am living in a safe neighborhood, you know."

Back in September, the Boise Police Department responded to two separate reports of women waking up to a strange man in their homes. These women also scared off the intruder but he was never caught.

New mother Emily Craft also lives in that area and said these recent reports also make her feel uneasy.

"I lock the doors when my husband leaves. I usually lock the doors a lot which I didn't do before. So, I just make sure to always lock them now," said Craft.

Lt. Wineger said while they step up patrols in the area, residents should remain on high alert by keeping conscious of their surroundings at all times and locking doors.

"We are concerned about this because we don't know the intentions of a subject like this and we have extra patrols in the area. We have Detectives assigned to this that are actively working to developed and follow up on leads," he explained.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact Crime Stoppers by calling (208) 343-COPS.

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