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Odom manifesto explains how Martians took over his life

The man accused of shooting a Coeur d’Alene pastor outside his church mailed a rambling manifesto describing how Martians have taken over his life to his family and media outlets.

Kyle Odom's profile picture.

COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho – The man accused of shooting a Coeur d’Alene pastor outside his church mailed a rambling manifesto describing how Martians have taken over his life to his family and media outlets.

Coeur d’Alene Police said Kyle Odom, 30, shot local pastor Tim Remington on Sunday after a church service. Remington is still in the hospital for multiple gunshot wounds but is in stable condition, according to his family.
Odom sent a flash drive containing multiple electronic documents along with letters, according to officials. Coeur d’Alene police released those documents on Wednesday.

The document starts with the question, “Why did he do it?” Odom writes, “My life was ruined. Ruined by an intelligent species of amphibian-humanoid from Mars. I wish I was joking.” He says the amphibian-humanoids were “here long before we ever existed” and their technology is way more advanced than ours. “They take control of ‘wild’ human beings and use them as sex slaves. Don’t believe me? Ask President Obama to take a lie detector test on this one,” Odom wrote. He goes on to say that Martians tried to take him but were unable to control his mind and they have been following him ever since. He said this has taken over his life and has done everything to get it back. The document says he tried to commit suicide twice but was stopped by the Martians. He said his last resort was to take actions to bring this to the public’s attention.

Next, the document outlines how this all started during the spring of 2014 while he was attending the University of Idaho. He describes how he meditated to help cope with the stress of his course work. At one point, he writes about going deep into meditation and feeling a profound sense of loss. After that moment, he said he had no urge to meditate. Then, all of a sudden Odom described how his work at school began to come easily to him. And a month later, he said he started interviewing at graduate schools and started getting offers. The document states that he accepted an offer from Baylor College of Medicine to work on his PhD in Human Genetics in Houston, Texas.

Then, Odom writes that everything changed when he started the program from July to October 2014. He wrote that he immediately saw flaws in his professor’s research and got very concerned about what he was doing. All of his concerns were brushed off by the professors, according to the document. He said he tried to stay motivated but it only got worse. The document said when he decided to leave, his life “became a living hell.” He wrote that he could not sleep and his mind felt sapped. After a few day he said two fellow graduate students who he barely knew contacted him. He writes that when he went to see them, “they both kept pointing their finger at me saying 'pew pew' like they were shooting a gun.” Months after he left Houston, Texas he said he found out the two students were not human and “they were tasked with making me into 'the next school shooter' as they called it.” He said things started to improve after he stopped talking with the two students but he was mentally exhausted. He left Texas and started looking for jobs all over the country, the document stated.

Odom wrote about a job interview he had in the spring of 2015. He said he didn’t sleep the night before and the interview didn’t go well. But after the interview was over he was fine, Odom wrote. The next day he went to the airport and he wrote that things started to get strange. He said when he sat down an older man kept glancing at him. Every time he looked at him his head started to hurt and tingle. Halfway through the flight, he wrote that it was obvious that the people on the flight were doing something to him. He said once they landed the older man kept showing him his TracFone as if to say “get one of these.” Odom wrote that he had applied at several government jobs and he thought this was their way of contacting him, so he went and bought a TracFone.

He wrote that after he bought the phone he checked it every day to see if anyone messaged him or called. Then he got a text message from John Padula about a month later. Padula told KREM 2 that he was supposed to be Odom’s second target. Odom wrote that Padula invited him to the Altar Church, where the shooting later took place. He said when he got there he felt like his life was in danger and he felt like he had to leave.

The document said he then started getting texts from Remington. Odom wrote that the texts started as Bible scriptures but then he started threatening him. He said he ignored them until the final text which just read ‘angels.’ He thought nothing of it until helicopters started flying around his house, according to the document.

Odom wrote that he felt like he need to contact them so he made an appointment to meet Padula for coffee.
He said after making the appointment with Padula, he began getting sexually aroused for no reason and started hearing music in his head. Odom wrote that he kept hearing the music and he started to have a mental breakdown. He writes about how he felt like he was going to die and he needed to see his family. He then bought a one-way ticket to Albuquerque, New Mexico to see his family. When he got on the plane, Odom wrote that the man next to him was telepathically telling him that he was going to crash the plane. He said the man became angry because of how calm he was and started touching his leg. He was so panicked he was on the verge of causing a scene, Odom wrote. The man told him, “You did a great job. You passed! Go enjoy your family. We have a job waiting for you when you get back,” according to the document.

When he got off the plane, Odom said a group surrounded him at a baggage claim and began “sniffing” at him. He explains that sniffing is something Martians do all the time. He thinks it has something to do with dominance. He left the airport as fast as he could and met with his family. Odom believed that the Martians followed them everywhere. He said they started coaxing him to go outside alone and he was scared they were going to kill him. They were also telling him to go to church and he knew they meant to go to the Altar Church, Odom wrote. So, he said he decided to go back.

Odom said that when he went to the church for the first time the people acted very strange. He said everyone was sniffing at him and staring. He said after the service they told him he could leave and he realized he wasn’t dealing with the government anymore. Odom wrote he knew it was extraterrestrial.

As time went on, Odom said he started hallucinating things that he knew were not real. He said they started playing with him sexually and were putting sexual fantasies in his head. Odom wrote that this went on for weeks and he eventually had a meltdown. One day at Safeway, he wrote, that he got surrounded by a bunch of old men. He said they started sexually stimulating him and told him his life was over and that he was nothing but a toy. Odom wrote that they continued to say other explicit things and it made him angry. He tried to calm down but he got so angry he tried to commit suicide.

After the incident, he said he decided to check himself into the VA hospital. Odom wrote that he was taken to the mental ward and was admitted but nothing improved while he was there. He said after he left, everything he tried to do was sabotaged. So he decided to go back to the Altar Church to see what they wanted from him, the document stated. Odom said they wanted him as their “sex slave” and they told him to keep coming back. After a few more services, he said he found himself talking to Remington face to face and he told Odom to consider becoming a minister. Odom wrote that during the conversation Remington’s face changed.

“His eyes really stood out so they captured my attention,” Odom wrote. “They were huge and bulging, the eyelids were darker green, and the irises were yellow/brown with slit pupils.”

In August 2015, Odom said he stopped going to the church. He wrote that he was trying to start a career as a pharmacist by going to North Idaho College but the Martians made it impossible for him to study. Odom said the pressure got too intense, the Martians were manipulating his body and mind.

Odom wrote, “If you talk to me in person, you will see that I’m not crazy at all. The Martians are just so good at hiding in plain sight that no one would know they exist unless they revealed themselves.”

He goes on to say that the president is well aware of them and he wrote him a personal letter. He wrote, “Realize the ‘people’ I killed are not what you think.” He said Remington and Padula’s minds were controlled from birth by Martians.

Odom also makes a list of notable Martians who are U.S. senators and congressman. Then he goes into the history of Martians. He says they originate from Africa about 200,000 years ago. He then describes their behavior and their technology.

He also included his discharge paperwork from the Marines, his resume and his transcripts from college.

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