BOISE — After a 10-year, $39 million levy failed to pass last week, the College of Western Idaho's Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to request a recount after it failed to pass by less than 0.1 percent.
Officials say the plant facilities levy would have helped pay for a new Health Science Building on CWI's main campus in Nampa.
The 4-story, 110,000 square foot building would have housed more than 2,500 students to take health and science classes.
Last Tuesday, the levy received 54.9 percent approval, but required 55 percent to pass.
“144 votes, I think at that point you're looking at a why not, just make sure and double check,” said Mark Browning, CWI vice president communications and government relations. ‘We have the utmost confidence in both Ada County and Canyon County clerks that the vote is what it is, but let’s double check and make sure.”
As we reported on Friday, the Canyon County Elections Office forgot to count 39 ballots that came in overseas from active service members.
However, those missed votes will not change the outcome of any race or ballot measure.
The county says the ballots will still be counted and canvassed by this Friday.