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New Ridgevue High School set to open Monday in Nampa

Crews are putting the finishing touches on the Vallivue School District's second high school -- located near the corner of Madison and Linden roads in north Nampa.

Classes at Ridgevue High start Monday.

Friday night, students and parents had a chance to roam the halls.

Voters in the Vallivue School District approved a $50 million bond a few years ago to pay for the new high school.

It includes new classrooms, of course, as well as a large auditorium and athletic facilities.

Anyone who walks in the gym will see something unique.

"The mascot is a P-40 Warhawk," said Julie Yamamoto, the Ridgevue High school principal. "It's just that iconic symbol of hope of our nation. It's durable, it was what turned the tide for World War II."

In fact, there are images of Warhawk fighter planes all over the school.

Yamamoto says the new high school is a much needed addition to the district, because Vallivue High was jam-packed with students.

"We just had over 2,000 students there and it just wasn't designed to hold that many," said Yamamoto, who was assistant principal at Vallivue last year.

"I'm just taking aback at how big it is," said incoming Ridgevue sophomore Heather Kellogg. "Just a lot more resources that I'm excited to experience. I've seen a couple of the labs and I'm just so excited."

Ridgevue High can hold up to 1,800 students.

Yamamoto says she thinks they'll have around 1,100 students this year.

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