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New West Ada school boundaries proposed

MERIDIAN -- A committee for the West Ada school District presented its plans for school boundaries before the board Tuesday night.

The plans have been hotly debated for months with parents and school officials meeting dozens of times to try to reach the best solution there.

The proposed boundary changes could mean that 2,100 students will have to change schools in 2016 and 2017.

The West Ada boundary committee presented those new plans to the school board Tuesday night after months of back and forth and countless hours dedicated to this project.

The boundary committee is made up of 35 parents and one district member.

Together they've spent thousands of hours drawing up the new plans for the school boundaries.

The latest draft includes one major change -- a fix to the initial three-way high school split of Lewis and Clark Middle School students.

District officials say the goal of redrawing the new boundaries was to fill new schools, balance the students enrolled in high schools and reduce feeder school splits. It will also help address future growth in the district.

The proposal does still leave four of the district's five high schools at or above capacity, and has raised issues about the need for a new high school in the future.

The committee will hold one more meeting next Tuesday. That will be the final chance for parents and the public to weigh in on the new plans. After that the proposal will go to the school board for a vote.

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