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COVID-19 vaccinations begin in hard-hit Malheur County

Saint Alphonsus in Ontario is one of just a few hospitals in the state to receive the first batches of the COVID-19 vaccine.

ONTARIO, Ore. — In Oregon, one of the areas hardest-hit by COVID-19 is just across the Idaho State line in Malheur County.

Saint Alphonsus in Ontario is one of just a few hospitals in the state to receive the first batches of the COVID-19 vaccine.

On Wednesday, Dina Ellwanger, the president and chief nursing officer at the hospital, received her first shot during a video call with Oregon Gov. Kate Brown.

Ellwanger said 20 frontline healthcare workers received the vaccine Wednesday morning, the day after it arrived there. She also said vaccination is not required for Saint Als employees, but they are encouraged to get it once it becomes available to them.

She added that now is not the time to let your guard down when it comes to protecting yourself from the virus.

"While the delivery of the vaccine is indeed good news, it will take some time for everyone to have this, so until people get vaccinated, it's critically important that everyone continues to use precautions to slow the spreading of this virus," Ellwanger said.

Saint Alphonsus Ontario is working with agencies in Malheur County to get the vaccine to county healthcare workers as well.

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