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KTVB debuts brand new set to present the news and share stories to you in a new way

The plans to build and design this new set were over a year in the making and was unveiled during our News at 5 on Sunday.

BOISE, Idaho — It's been nearly 20 years since KTVB has christened a new news set and our entirely rebuilt set will help us present the news and tell stories to our audience in a whole new way.

It took an army working seven days a week for five weeks to put our ambitious new set together.

First, we had to tear down our set and studio, giving the main sets to Capital High School and Northwest Nazarene University. Then came the clean up of the demolition. The floors had to be refinished and repainted. After that, the studio builders took over, bringing in massive steel beams and supports for the dozen of new smart screens that were placed in various areas around the studio.

The construction crews worked long days for over a week to build the foundations of our new studio. When they finished last week, it was time for the lights - state of the art LEDs that simulate natural outdoor sunlight.

The plans to build and design this new set were over a year in the making and was unveiled during our News at 5 on Sunday.

WATCH BELOW: Timelapse: Building the new KTVB studio

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