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Check your air filters as wildfire smoke may clog air filters, experts say

Walking outside, it can be difficult to breathe, so what does this mean for your car and home?

BOISE, Idaho — In the Treasure Valley, it's clear there are fires burning nearby, based on how unclear the air is

Walking outside, it can be difficult to breathe, so what does this mean for your car and home?

The heat and smoke might have you switching out your air filters sooner rather than later. 

Triple-digit heat calls for cranking on the A/C, but whether it's the car or your home, is that smoke clogging up your filter?

Jeff Henslee, the Assistant Manager at Boise Automotive Service, said it can, especially with smokey weeks like these.

"Well normally we don't get as bad smoke, usually it's a few days, but this is a week of it," Henslee said. "Yesterday was the hardest smoke, you can tell by this filter, its not as dirty as normal, but you can see the shading from the smoke."

Whether you hit the dusty roads for camping or are driving in the poor air quality around town, instead of replacing filters once or twice a year, you might be told to do it sooner.

"When the air comes through, this (filter) stops all the debris," Henslee said. "When this gets plugged, it slows your fan down, it messes with the A/C system, causes all sorts of havoc."

But don't rush off to get your car filter replaced right this minute.

"Once the smoke is gone, that's when you change it, no sense in changing it because it's just going to do again, as long as it doesn't look like this, this is a year of neglect," he said. 

What about your home's air filters?

Jared Salcido, a Service Manager with Boise Valley Heating and Air, said if you have a thinner filter, change it once a month and every three months if it's thicker.

"People often forget to change the filters and with the system just running so much, it's going to be pulling a lot more contaminants out of the air and essentially ruining that filter faster," said Salcido.

Salcido said there are charcoal and carbon filters that help pull the smokey odor out of your home, which can help.

You can even get an air scrubber, which uses a UV light to pull fine particles like smoke, to help improve your home's air quality. 

Whether it's your car or your home, both said it's important to change both filters to keep your A/C running smoothly.

"Filtration is going to be the most important thing for expanding the lifespan of that system resulting in just more efficient, fewer part failures," said Salcido.

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