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Retired BPD Chief Mike Masterson launches his campaign to be Boise Mayor

Mike Masterson served as BPD Chief from 2005 to 2015, he now has sights set on Boise's highest elected office.

BOISE, Idaho — The race to be Boise’s Mayor is on, retired Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson launched his campaign Tuesday with a speech to supporters at the Boise Depot.

Masterson, who served as Boise Police Chief from 2005 to 2015, touched on recent controversies within BPD as a major campaign talking point.

“The police department remains in turmoil after the overdue dismissal of the mayor's handpicked chief. Moreover, the mayor's decision to disparage the entire department has further eroded trust,” Masterson said in a prepared speech.

Masterson discussed his experience within Boise Police highlighting accomplishments he is proud of.

“We worked tirelessly to lower crime rates and solve problems. We prioritized service to Boise spearheading initiatives with partners across the city, valley and state to improve our quality of life and address the root causes of crime and social problems,” Masterson said. We did it through a focus on collaboration. We were able to harness the power of unity because we focused on building shared values.

As expected, Masterson included pointed criticism of current Mayor Lauren McLean in his speech. A major topic, housing and the homeless in Boise.

“Housing is now impossibly unaffordable. The mayor trumpets a few hundred new homes, when the city needs thousands. Instead of solving the problem, she’s focused on removing our voices from changes in our own neighborhoods.  Boise citizens not only deserve but demand a voice in how they are governed,” Masterson said.

Although not providing specifics of a housing plan or answering questions from the media, Masterson did touch on his general direction on the growth of Boise and how to handle it.

“We can grow our city while keeping it affordable through smart planning and prioritizing workforce housing. I understand the importance of preserving Boise's unique charm while ensuring its affordability for all residents,” Masterson said.

The retired police chief made a statement in his remarks about trust in government and public officials, something he touched on as a shortcoming with the current administration.

“First and foremost, I have spent a lifetime earning public trust, and as your mayor, I will restore trust in city hall. I will create a culture of transparency. I will treat our city council, state, county and other local leaders, businesses, and citizens as partners, not adversaries. We will work together for the betterment of Boise. And every citizen will know that the public purse belongs to them, not their mayor,” Masterson said.

Masterson touched on other areas he believes Boise should improve in while touting his experience and leadership with Boise Police. The crowd of supporters with yellow, blue, and white signs applauded as Masterson finished remarks.

“Restoring the promise of Boise means electing a mayor who truly values our city and its people. We need a serious leader in City Hall, someone who understands the challenges we face and has the determination to overcome them. I am that leader,” Masterson said.

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