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Boise City 'Traffic Box Program'

The City of Boise invites artists to enter and create artwork for the 2025 Traffic Box Program.
Credit: City of Boise
Electric Jelly

BOISE, Idaho — For over a decade, Boise has been supporting artists by giving them opportunities to display their artwork on traffic boxes, and that continues this year. 

Boise City Art and History invited all local artists last Tuesday to participate in the 2025's Traffic Box Art Program. Artists who have their work chosen will be paid $1000. 

This year's concept prompt:

The 2025 Traffic Box Art Program challenges artists to respond to: Create an entirely new Boise through the playful use of non-naturalistic colors, forms, and perspectives; a subjective depiction of the natural world.  

The winners will be decided by a community-based panel, where they will choose 12 artists or artists teams design proposal. The selected artwork will then be transformed into a vinyl wrap that will placed on boxes located in the River-Myrtle area of Boise.

Artwork can be illustrations, paintings, digital images, textiles and more. 

Boise Art and History encourage local artists to apply but anyone at all ages can enter.

For more information people can click here.

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