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Boise Stage Stop serves up free Thanksgiving feast for truckers

For years, the Boise Stage Stop has helped make holidays on the road a little less lonely.

Many people look forward to Thanksgiving as a time to spend surrounded by their friends and family.

But for some - like the truck drivers hauling goods across the nation - that's not always an option.

For years, the Boise Stage Stop has helped make holidays on the road a little less lonely.

The truck stop served up a Thanksgiving meal - complete with turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing - for free to every truck driver passing through.

Those who stopped in for dinner Thursday said they were grateful for the traditional feast, even though it came in an untraditional setting.

"It's a fantastic place to come if you have nowhere else to go," trucker David Moss said.

With grueling hours and unconventional schedules, truckers often sacrifice spending time with their families on holidays like Thanksgiving, making the Stage Stop's efforts especially meaningful.

Anyone with a valid CDL is welcome to stop in and enjoy the free dinner, said Boise Stage Stop Administrator Samantha McDonald.

"The drivers are on the roads during the holidays, so they work through Christmas, they work through Thanksgiving," she said. They work year around and most of them - especially long-haul - they are away from their families for weeks at a time, so this is just kind of a way to say 'hey, you're a part of our family.'"

Moss said he has spent the past five Thanksgivings dining at the Stage Stop.

"It's surprising that there's not a lot of places likes this, and this is one of those special places that will serve you and treat you like part of the family," he said. "It's very nice."

McDonald said the truck stop plans to continue the tradition.

"The Boise Stage Stop is a trucking company, that's why we're out here. We are here because of those drivers," she said. "They are out there every day, every year bringing you your goods, your things, even your turkey dinners, they're bringing things to the stores so this is just our way of saying thank you."

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