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Boise students celebrate International Women's Day and become inspired

Students at William Howard Taft Elementary School held a get-together to learn from some inspirational women in the community.

BOISE, Idaho — Around the world Friday thousands marched in celebration of women on International Women's Day, elementary students at William Howard Taft Elementary School in Boise were told messages of empowerment.

“We believe in celebrating International Women's Day that we are equal. That every person is equal to the next person, just as valuable."

Friday's get-together with pizza was an idea sparked by a Taft fifth grader.

“And Gabi just really got inspired,” said school counselor Julie Drews.

“I went to the women's march in Idaho and I wanted to show that women matter and men do, and we all have equal rights,” said Gabriella Awudo.

MORE: This week in history: International Women's Day is born

Gabriella helped her teachers organize the guest list.

“We had Senator Buckner-Webb, which is really, really inspirational to me,” said Gabriella.

Students also heard from Officer Jessica Perkins with the Boise Police Department.

“Do what you're good at,” said Perkins. “This is something that I really enjoy. I love being able to help people. I love being able to protect people. And that's something that I'm good at. And that's something that I can do. So, I challenge all of you to find what that you're good at and something that you really love and go try and do it and achieve it. Because we all can.”

One common thread -- each guest named someone who has inspired them...

“I am inspired by Angela Davis and Erin Phillip,' one student said.

Another said, “I brought Dolores Huerta because she is one of my role models.”

Shared messages they learned from role models of the past -- messages that were not lost on the young women of today.

“Don't be scared to do what you want to do, and follow your dreams because they might come true,” said Gabriella.

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