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Raffle to fund new gear for Nampa's bike patrol

A local bike shop is raffling a high-end electric bike to help Nampa bicycle officers get some new gear of their own, so the officers can spend more time pedaling and less time going in for repairs.

Every summer, Nampa Police school resource officers transition from working with students in the classrooms to patrolling the streets as a part of a special bike patrol unit.

The Nampa community is now rallying behind the unit to help them get some much-needed upgrades.

"My experience has been that the community really likes seeing us out, accessible where they can talk to us, easily ask questions get help. They just feel like it's a good community resource to have us riding around the neighborhoods," said Nampa Police Bike Officer Sally Miller.

Miller and other bike officers say while being a school resource officer is rewarding, the summer months offer up new opportunities to help the community.

“We are just more accessible on a bike. We see a lot more people and things that are going on, and we assist patrol on calls too that might come up in the area we are riding," Miller said.

The summer heat can make patrol challenging sometimes, and most days the bike officers are putting a lot of miles on their bikes

"Sometimes it's only maybe 10 or 12 (miles), but other days it may be up to 25 or 30 miles," Miller said.

Some of the bikes in the Nampa fleet have been around for 20 to 25 years, and while they have gotten the job done, it's becoming more and more clear that the unit is in need of an upgrade.

"They need a lot of repair, there are a lot of things that are broken on them that is not worth putting the money into," Miller said.

To keep the bikes in operational condition, for the last several years, Nampa Police officers have regularly brought in their bikes for repairs to Rolling H Cycles in Nampa.

"We appreciate everything that they do, and we want to support them in every way that we can. This is one way we can help them, by servicing their bikes, it's one less thing they have to worry about," said Adam Haynes, Owner of Rolling H Cycles.

After years of repairs though, Haynes decided he was going to start a fun campaign to get the officers the gear they need.

"We are raising funds to help the Nampa Police Department get new bike patrol equipment they are using some equipment that is nearing 20 years old," said Haynes.

So to generate some funds, the shop has donated and is now raffling off a new high end e-bike, a 2018 Scott E-Spark. The bike is valued at about $5,000, and tickets for the raffle are $25 each.

"We just want our community to get behind it and to jump on board and to help these officers get some new equipment," said Haynes.

Nampa PD says that way, these officers can safely continue to help the community.

"I've noticed people want to talk and want to have that interaction, they just don't always have the opportunity when we are driving in our patrol cars, so the bikes give us that opportunity every day," Miller said.

The department and the bike shop are hoping to raise $5,000 for new gear. The campaign is about halfway to its goal, with the ticket sales wrapping up August 1.

If you'd like to join the raffle, you can buy tickets at Rolling H Cycles in Nampa or you can buy tickets online here.

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