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Downtown Boise lot has neighbor concerned

A local man is concerned about an empty lot full of litter, and it goes beyond the look of it - he’s worried about safety.  

A local man is concerned about an empty lot full of litter, and it goes beyond the look of it - he’s worried about safety.

The property is at the corner of 14th Street and Grand Avenue near downtown Boise.

"You can see alcohol bottles everywhere, glass, broken glass, you know it's just litter strewn everywhere throughout the whole property," Douglas Bryson said.

Bryson walks his dog in the area every day. He said a few weeks back, a needle got tangled in his dog’s fur.

“It's a safety issue. That's why I'm complaining. I'm mad because of my dog of course, I mean that's what sparked this whole thing, but it is a safety issue for the kids. It really is,” he said.

In this case, this is private property. Police can’t do anything about the upkeep, but if they see something illegal happening police can take action.

If you have a concern about a property, even if you don’t live by it, you can call code enforcement. Code enforcement will send an officer out within three to four days of your complaint to investigate.

If they find the property is in violation of code they notify the owner. The owner has 10 days to comply. If they don’t, code enforcement will take care of the issue at the owner’s expense.

“We get all kinds of calls,” Joe Venneman, a code enforcement officer, said. “Sometimes they'll be obviously unsafe items: hypodermic needles or broken glass.”

Venneman said there haven’t been any complaints filed against this property yet. Byrson didn’t know about code enforcement, but now plans on calling.

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