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Ducks and geese shot with blow darts at Julia Davis Park

Idaho Fish and Game and police have not caught the culprit.

BOISE — A handful of ducks and geese are swimming around with blow darts through their heads, necks and bodies at Julia Davis Park.

"The ducks and geese are experiencing pain, it is painful," says Jennifer Rockwell, Director, Ruth Melichar Bird Center.

Rockwell helps rehabilitate birds.

She says she first began getting calls last week regarding Canadian geese impaled by darts.

"I rescued a Canada goose last week, with a blow dart that was in its wing," says Rockwell.

Wednesday night, Rockwell and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game began receiving calls about wounded animals at Julia Davis Park.

"So right now, we know of four ducks and two geese, and we caught one of the geese already, we haven't caught any of the ducks," says Toby Boudreau with Idaho Fish and Game.

"It's painful if it's obstructing an area in the esophagus where they eat. It's going to cause problems, if it's obstructing the wing muscle it’s going to cause problems with flight, it's very painful," says Rockwell.

No one knows who is responsible for injuring the animals but whoever did is facing criminal charges.

"These birds are protected by U.S. Fish and Wildlife, this is illegal, this is animal cruelty," says Rockwell.

"It would probably be a misdemeanor for harassing or injuring wildlife," says Rockwell.

It's also illegal to shoot a blow dart within Boise city limits.

Anyone with information is urged to contact police or Idaho Fish and Game.

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