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Father and son create a giant Easter egg

Watch as two men put their creative talents together to build a massive Easter egg.
Credit: Chris Niederer

BOISE, Idaho — People are starting to get very creative during the coronavirus stay-at-home order.

Take this father and son who apparently have lots of free time right now.

Chris Niederer and his son Isaac decided to build a very big Easter egg and make a movie of the project.

In the video submitted to KTVB by Chris, we see the pair sitting on a swing discussing their plans, and then they get to work.

After some quick grooming, the duo put on protective masks and tool belts and head to a scrap pile for supplies for the build.

The framing on the big egg begins in the morning, but the day quickly turns to night in the sped-up video. It is then the next day when the egg begins to take shape. They add a tarp to the top half and get out cans of spray paint to decorate the giant egg.

Once complete, a large beach ball is launched through the top as the two men celebrate the successful completion of the project.

Chris tells KTVB they started on Tuesday and completed the egg on Friday, putting roughly 18-25 hours into the entire project. No money was spent on construction. They used leftover scraps in his yard.

As for why a large egg, Chris offered this explanation:

I have my mother and 2 siblings that live in Eastern Idaho, and a sister that lives in Boston. For the last 3 Sundays, we have connected as a group (My mom and her sister, myself and my 3 siblings, the 17 children that belong to the 4 of us, and the 3 babies that belong to our children's children, and all spouses. When we meet on Zoom, we collectively watch each others video they have created during the week. Each week is a new challenge: Week one was lip sync contest, second week was British bake off challenge, and last week was create and decorate an egg of our choosing. Its our way of connecting and surviving the shelter-in-place order.

Here is a link to the full three-and-a-half minute video. Enjoy!

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