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Flood concerns along the Boise River in Eagle

The Boise River calmed some over the weekend, but officials and residents in the Eagle area are preparing for increased flows this week.

The Boise River calmed some over the weekend, but officials and residents in the Eagle area are preparing for increased flows this week.

On Monday, crews put the finishing touches on a temporary levee to help reinforce the river bank along the Sun Roc Gravel Pit. The high waters started to erode the banks and left the potential for a break in those banks, which would have rerouted the river and caused significant flooding.

"If those work, then the other than normal water coming down the river, we shouldn't have anything catastrophic," Eagle Mayor Stan Ridgeway said.

However, if they fail, Ridgeway says it could send up to 70 percent of the Boise River flows down the south channel.

MORE: Boise River flows to be raised this week

"Currently, the north channel carries about 70 percent of the water. So it would be a major change for people living on the south channel," Ridgeway said.

Towards people like, Toby Williamson, and his hundred head of livestock.

"Just going to bring them to the barn if that happens. Where the barns and the houses are located it's a little higher ground," Williamson said.

Since 1965, Williamson has lived along the banks of the Boise River. His ranch located at the end of Island Wood Drive.

This year to help protect some of his property form flooding, he's placed sandbags along low areas, and has even brought in a backhoe to help build-up the banks near his irrigation headgate.

"It's cemented on the bottom. I'm just trying to keep it from running over the top," Williamson said.

It's a line of defense for not only him, but all those that live down the street.

"What we do there will help the subdivision downstream because if it comes across our place it will the subdivision sooner or later," Williamson said.

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