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Horseshoe Bend School District cancels remainder of school day following a power outage

At roughly 5 a.m. on Aug. 22, part of the Horseshoe Bend school was without power, including the cafeteria.

HORSESHOE BEND, Idaho — A power outage caused Horseshoe Bend School District to call off the remainder of classes at 10 a.m. on Thursday. 

What started initially as a partial power outage on campus turned into a larger problem, with the whole campus having to lose power, a Facebook post from the school district announced.

Students in 6-12 grades were released without parent contact at 10 a.m., and students K-5 were released only after parent phone call. The buses left around 10:15 a.m.

At roughly 5 a.m. on Aug. 22, part of the Horseshoe Bend school was without power, including the cafeteria. Idaho Power came out and believed they could fix the issue quickly. By 8 a.m. the issue was not fixed, and Idaho Power notified district officials that the entire campus would need to lose power to repair the issue. The whole campus was expected to be without power for 5 or more hours.

The school district had planned an Open House for grades 6-12, however that has been canceled. 

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