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Idaho National Guard deployed to Kosovo for year-long mission

“Idaho eagerly awaits your return and we look forward to welcoming you back with pride,” Gov. Brad Little said.

BOISE, Idaho — More than 100 personnel from the Idaho Army National Guard deployed to Kosovo for a year-long mission on Thursday. The unit has been training for the mission since October 2022.

The first of the 183rd Assault Helicopter Battalion unit deployed from Gowen Field. Friends and family gathered and watched as their loved ones flew off by helicopter to their mission. 

“It feels like part of our heart is going overseas,” said Mckenna Bishop, who’s sister is getting deployed.

While in Kosovo, the unit will be working on a NATO peace-keeping mission, focused on training and supporting their partners overseas, said Oceana Chamberlain, a pilot on the mission. It is the first time since 2003 that the unit has been deployed to this area.

Mary Jack, who is an intelligence officer on the unit, said she is excited to go, but sad to say goodbye to her husband and her son Henry.

“Being a mom, I went through and bought all of my sons clothes in the next size up because he’s growing so fast and I wanted his coat to fit next winter,” Jack said.

She said she had family members who also served in the military, so she wants to continue that legacy.

“Serving my country – it’s everything,” Jack said. “I am very proud to be a member of the United States of America and to be a member of the Idaho National Guard.”

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