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Idaho implements election security measures as voters gear up for ‘historic’ election day

“One of the biggest things on the mind of many Idahoans as well as Americans is just ensuring the safety and security of our election,” said Phil McGrane.

BOISE, Idaho — With the 2024 election just over 40 days away, Idaho’s Secretary of State and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency director, Jen Easterly, hosted a press conference to discuss election security in the state.

Secretary of State Phil McGrane said Idahoans can feel fully confident as they head to the polls this November and their ballot is secure and counted.

“When they head to the polls can have absolute confidence that their vote will count and that nobody is tampering with the systems that we have here in our state,” McGrane said.

Through initiatives like only using only paper ballots, routine equipment testing, voter identification requirements and post-election audits, McGrane said voting is as safe as it can be, and the state has been working hard to ensure that.

“We're doing everything we can as election officials to prepare for this historic event,” McGrane said.

McGrane said the state is ready for voting not just for cities like Boise, but also in rural Idaho too.

“It's the need to be vigilant and to really get resources in those smaller communities,” McGrane said.

Easterly said she has seen that Idaho is the most secure, as it has ever been.

“I have enormous confidence in the security of our elections because I have seen how tirelessly these election officials work to ensure that elections are safe and secure,” Easterly said.

For those who may be worried about election security, Easterly said it is important to get involved in your local community.

‘We recognize that there is skepticism about the security of elections,” Easterly said. “Be part of the process, sign up to be a poll worker or talk to your election officials.”

Voters can also visit voteidaho.gov for more information on their ballot.

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