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Idaho state officials hear community concerns at 'Capital for a Day' event

School funding, taxes and the economy dominated concerns as Idaho Gov. Brad Little and state officials visited Priest River.
Credit: Bonner County Daily Bee

PRIEST RIVER, Idaho — School funding, taxes and the economy dominated concerns as Idaho Gov. Brad Little brought a host of state officials to the North Idaho city as part of his Capital for a Day program.

The Capital for a Day program was designed to give state officials a chance to hear from communities first-hand — and to give residents a chance to speak to those same officials in person.

West Bonner County's recent challenges were among the biggest items of discussion, with several telling state officials the school district and community has worked hard to rebound. 

But a year of turmoil, from a recall of several trustees, an individual hired as superintendent who lacked proper credentials, and constant attacks on district staff and teachers, several failed levies have left the district financially strapped. The result has been for many to leave the district, with neighboring districts pulling away 50 students in the first year of open enrollment and almost 70 this coming school year.

"I'd like to say I can see this ending but unfortunately I cannot," Dana Douglas said. "The state of Idaho does not help the needy and we are in need, Mr. Little, we are asking for your help."

Douglas was among several who called on the state to revamp its funding formula, saying current funding formulas penalize small districts like theirs.

"We need change, and it should start now," Douglas said. "Why can't my grandkids have the same opportunities as yours?

While the state has obligations, Little said Idaho is a local control state and residents have a responsibility to help fund education in their communities. He told the 150-plus people in attendance that he was sympathetic to their case, noting Idaho has worked to increase funding for teacher salaries and offer property tax relief.

To read the full story, visit our news partner, the Bonner County Daily Bee.

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