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Idaho State Board of Education approves potential high school graduation requirement changes

If the Idaho legislature approves the changes, students would be required to earn a credit in digital literacy and complete an updated version of a senior project.
About 100 new desks ordered for Timberline High School did not arrive until after the start of the school year.

BOISE, Idaho — Changes to graduation requirements may be coming to Idaho's K-12 education system. 

On Wednesday, the Idaho State Board of Education (ISBE) announced the board approved recommendations proposed by Superintendent Debbie Critchfield to change the requirements seniors need to accomplish before they can graduate.

The Idaho State Legislature must approve the changes before it can be implemented, but if approved, seniors must complete a digital literacy credit and will need to complete a Future Readiness Project, essentially an updated senior project.

"[It] will require students to demonstrate college and career competencies through work-based, service-based, or research-based projects that explore potential options after high school," ISBE said in a news release.

Critchfield said in a Wednesday news release that the changes are to prepare students for the real world. 

"Reviewing and ensuring high school graduation requirements meet those demands is one of the most important things our board can do to help our students be successful," Critchfield said.

According to the ISBE, the last time changes were made to graduation requirements was roughly 10 years ago. 

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