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Mom Matters: What Does the Title "Mom" Mean to You?

Results of Idaho moms Gallup poll available now!

With Mother’s Day on Sunday, we ask our Mom Matters panel one simple question: What does the title “Mom” mean to you?

“I have acronyms for everything, so mom for me is “Master Of Making,” says Shannon McGuire, Founder of Supreme Moms. “Honestly, I love being a mom. I wouldn’t be who I am if I wasn’t a mom.”

McGuire funded a new Gallup poll focused specifically on Idaho moms. (You can now see the results of this poll here.) A majority of the over 4,000 Idaho moms polled said they enjoyed being a mom – generally.

“It’s the most financially underpaid role I think I’ve ever had,” says Genevieve Nutting, Founder of Womeness Community. “But it’s the coolest job ever -- and I’m so grateful to get to be a mom.”

Mom Matters on Idaho Today is a series created by moms for moms as a safe place to share, collaborate and support one another. If you have a topic you’d like us to discuss, message the Idaho Today-Mom Matters team at idahotoday@ktvb.com.

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