BOISE, Idaho — Starting on Wednesday, the City of Nampa will begin installing new irrigation lines near Happy Valley Road ahead of the irrigation season.
The city said the project will be completed in two areas, is expected to last until mid-April, and will close several roads.
For the first area, the city states "Crews will be completing a pressurized irrigation connection at Happy Valley Road and Wagon Road and will require a full road closure from Victory Road to Amity Avenue from 3/6-3/8 while crews are in the road."
The news release continues and after the line is finished, they will then need to work on the entrance of the subdivision. So residents will need to use Whistling Heights Way from Grays Lane to enter.
For the second area, the city states "Crews will also be completing a pressurized irrigation connection at Happy Valley Rd and Wallcott St starting March 6 and will require a full road closure from Greenhurst Road to Locust Lane until mid-April."
The city said residents in the subdivision would need to use Salmon River Street from Happy Valley Road or Bridgewater Avenue from Greenhurst Road.
For more information about road closures or the work being done by the City of Nampa, call (208)465-2221 or email
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