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Valley Regional Transit wants public feedback on new bus network design

The changes would involve having more stops, service and connections for riders.

BOISE, Idaho — Valley Regional Transit (VRT) is looking for public feedback on a new bus network design. The proposals for the new network involve creating a better grid and more frequent bus service for people, including better regional connections.

"This is the best path to creating a more useful bus system," VRT's Chief Executive Officer, Elaine Clegg said. "If we're going to grow as a system, attract new bus riders, and better support existing bus riders, our first priority must be frequency. By focusing on the core of the system and reducing how long a passenger waits for a bus, we can create a better foundation to grow from."

There are three proposals for the public to review and are differ in each city and municipality. 

Scenario A: Same budget, fewer service hours

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand, all within the current budget; due to cost increases, this scenario would also reduce service levels on select routes and frequency improvement to others

Scenario B: Increased budget, same service hours, frequency focus

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand; with a budget increase, VRT could provide even more service to high-demand areas in this scenario

Scenario C: Increased budget, same service hours, coverage focus

This option would shift service from less-used routes to areas of higher demand; with a budget increase, VRT could provide on-demand service in areas impacted by the changes to provide a more flexible transit option

"The bus network of the future will depend on the funding provided by our partners in this region, and this may mean uncomfortable adjustments are necessary for now," Clegg added. "However, we're confident that these changes will move us toward a more reliable system for our community."

People can get more information and give feedback online at rideVRT.org/redesign, email feedback@rideVRT.org.

There will also be two in-person open houses people can attend.

5/25/23: Ada County Open House, 3-7 p.m. (location TBD)

5/30/23: Canyon County Open House, 3-7 p.m. at the Nampa Library

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