IDAHO, USA — The 2023 legislative session is getting closer and local organizations are starting to raise awareness for potential bills being introduced. Poder of Idaho is kicking off the ‘Manejando Sin Miedo’ Driving without Fear Initiative.
Poder of Idaho’s Executive Director Estefania Mondragon said, “we want to see less fear and more public safety on the roads and more peace of mind for Idaho drivers."
Poder of Idaho is an organization that advocates and provides resources to the Latinx and Immigrant community in Idaho.
“We focus on four issues primary, including: civic engagement, education issues, immigration, and gender equity,” Mondragon said.
The initiative aims to help people better understand the possibility of a bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses here in Idaho.
"A lot of folks, they get scared. They are scared to even go to the grocery store, pick up their kids, or even do family outings; for fear that they'll get pulled over. For us that have citizenship, we get a ticket. For them, it could mean deportation and family separation,” said Mondragon.
Poder of Idaho’s Executive Director Estefania Mondragon said the bill would not only help those who do not have the privilege to drive, but also the community.
"What we saw is less deadly crashes, less hit and runs, overall safer roads, so it's a policy that doesn't just benefit undocumented Idaho, but all Idahoans,” Mondragon said.
The campaign is being hosted all over the Gem State, with Thursday’s kicking off in Blaine County. The campaign will kick off in Ada County on Oct. 26, and in Canyon County on Oct. 27.
Mondragon said these events are important to help bring awareness to the topic. The bill was introduced back in 2021 and failed, but they are not giving up.
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