Whether it's on crutches or in a wheelchair, getting around has never been easy for Angela Hansen.
"It's hard, definitely, but it has definitely shaped who I am," said Hansen.
Since she was five years old, hospital visits, surgeries, and therapy have been second nature. Hansen was born with a rare genetic disorder called blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome. In simple terms, she has extra blood vessels on the left side of her body.
"There's the whole issue of bleeding and clotting," said Hansen. "It's kind of a mess."
Last February, Hansen says her knee froze at a 90 degree angle, making it impossible to walk on her own.
"There's no cartilage in my knee joint anymore and now my joint has locked together because there's no cartilage," said Hansen.
When she moves her knee in any direction, she has excruciating pain, which was subdued with steroid shots. Now, she says those shots have worn off.
Once her knee locked, Hansen made a tough decision. She decided to have her leg amputated above the knee.
"They're going to cut as close to the knee as possible," she said. "I've gone through kind of a process of grieving and being angry and acceptance now. I am only 33, I want to have a full life. This is really the best chance that I have to have a more normal life."
She's now two months away from the surgery, months that come with anxiety.
"It's okay to not be all together," said Hansen. "It's okay to have a bad day, it's okay to have things you struggle with."
But there's excitement and hope as well.
"It seems like a huge hurdle between here and there but just looking past it it's just nothing but encouragement and a lot to look forward to," said Angela's husband David Hansen.
"I'm just looking forward to being able to walk next to him and hold his hand because it's been nine months now since I've been able to do that," she said.
It will be a long journey Hansen says, but she's confident she will walk again.
"I'll only have one leg but there's still a lot of life to live," said Hansen. "I'm sure there's going to be days where it's really hard, but you have to have that end goal perspective and work towards that."
David and Angela say they have plans to renew their vows once the surgery and recovery process is over. Finally getting to walk down the aisle, and have a first dance will have a new meaning to them both.
To support Hansen throughout her surgery and recovery process, you can donate to her surgery fund.