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One year later: Murder victim still rests in unmarked grave

One year later: Murder victim still rests in unmarked grave

BOISE -- Meghan Go knows every single step on the path she often walks through Boise's Cloverdale Cemetery to find her dad.

His head starts right here, she motions, showing the outline of a sunken grave with no headstone. The earthy depression marks the final resting place of her 49-year-old father Brian Geddes.

Geddes was shot and killed on October 16, 2012, the day before he would have turned 50-years old.

Go says she and her brother managed to raise enough money for her father's funeral. Sadly, they couldn't afford to buy him a headstone.

However, it's not the first time Brian Geddes has been lain to rest in an unmarked grave.

Prosecutors say 21-year-old Jordan Shaver shot Geddes in the back of the head and killed him. His body was found wrapped in blankets underneath his Garden City home in early November.

The case has not yet gone to trial.

Police say after Shaver killed Geddes, she hid his body, stole and spent his money, then lived in his Elaynea Street home for weeks.

She lived there and pretended to be him for almost three weeks, Go told KTVB. It's sick. It's really sick.

Go says she became suspicious when calls to her dad went unanswered, and the text messages he supposedly sent in response seemed out place. She says she left work early, drove straight to his house and found Shaver inside.

Go says Shaver immediately became suspicious when she asked her about her father. She says the 21-year-old even fled, running out of the house.

Police eventually arrested Shaver and charged her with first-degree murder.

Detectives say Shaver posed as Geddes, using his cell phone to send text messages, and stealing his money. Meghan says knowing her father's body was hidden underneath his home during the whole ordeal was devastating.

In my heart, I don't think she should ever step foot outside of a prison ever again, she told KTVB.

Meghan Go plans to testify against Shaver at her trial on February 3rd. She hopes maybe that can help her dad Brian finally rest in peace.

In the meantime, Meghan is holding a fundraiser for her dad, hoping to buy him a headstone. Click here for information.

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