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Community creates petition in Larry Gebert’s honor

As we continue to honor our friend and colleague Larry Gebert, community members are working on an effort to recognize and cement his commitment to the community.

BOISE, Idaho —

A petition has been started requesting Governor Brad Little to declare April as "Larry's treasure the weather and get together non-profit awareness month." 

“While the job of being a meteorologist is to forecast the future, Larry showed that diagnosing the weather could power the hearts of many, and despite the changes, good or bad, his perspective of giving back to the community is a trait all residents should work towards,” wrote Gina Johnson, who started the petition.

Larry adored service. His fingerprints are all over this community as he was a man of great charity. He would put on his khakis and sneakers and go wherever a non-profit needed his help. Every year he would host/emcee/auctioneer dozens of fundraisers. One year he said he helped 86 different events. The other years, it was probably around 84 or 85. He helped charities in our area raise millions of dollars. He set the standard for all of us to be highly engaged in our community, not to just cover our community. He was the personification of KTVB’s commitment to community service. 

“Given that Idaho has had some very harsh droughts, caused by growth and low snowpacks, we needed something funny to define the month,” wrote Johnson. “So it seems right that from April 1st to 30th, a month of looking back on Larry's efforts will help us prepare for each Summer season that lies ahead.”

At last check, the petition had 38 of its goal of 100 signatures.

Larry died the evening of Friday, April 1, of complications from a heart attack he suffered two days earlier. He is survived by his wife, Julie; sons Austin, David and Michael; and daughters-in-law Ashley and Nicole.

On Tuesday, April 12, the community is invited to gather and bid farewell to a man who loved sharing his time and talents with the people of Idaho. A funeral service is set for 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of the Rockies, located at 717 N. 11th St. in Boise. 

The service will also be live-streamed on KTVB.COM and aired on 24/7. Idaho State Senate Chaplain Doug Armstrong will officiate. Armstrong was general manager of KTVB from 1996 to 2018. 

Larry Gebert: In Loving Memory

Watch more stories and tribute about Larry in our Youtube playlist

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