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7's HERO: 6-year-old boy with leukodystrophy is the Boise State Broncos' newest and youngest recruit

Weston Derrick joined the Boise State Broncos in February thanks to Team IMPACT. The players and the coaches love having him on the team.

BOISE, Idaho — 6-year-old Weston Derrick has been featured on the local news a few times, much to the surprise of his big sister Iris, 10.  

Weston and Iris both go to Owyhee Elementary School in Boise. 

"It's been crazy, because my friends will come up to me at school and they will say do, you know your little brother is on the news?" said Iris with a smile. 

Weston is Boise State Football's newest and youngest football recruit, thanks to an organization called Team IMPACT. It matches children facing serious illness and disability with college sports teams, creating a long-term, life-changing experience for everyone. 

Weston has a rare form of leukodystrophy. It impacts his brain and his development. Iris has seen him struggle to do things that come easily to other kids. She says she is so proud of him. 

"He's really special because he's always laughing, he's always having so much fun, he's really funny," Iris said. "He always inspires me to be strong."

When Weston was a baby, his mom and dad, Gabe and Ashley, noticed something wasn't quite right. 

"We couldn't quite put it together; he had kind of a strange gate when he started walking. He was a late walker and then never really found his balance, he would always put his hands out and was pretty unstable," said Gabe.

Weston's mom Ashley said there were other concerning symptoms too. 

"We knew that there was something going on, and the neurologist said it was 100 percent genetic, he knew right off the bat," she said.  

His doctors recommended an MRI to find out what was going on. They were told he has a rare form of 4H leukodystrophy. The diagnosis was heartbreaking. 

"He was 3 when we got the diagnosis," Ashley said. "So, when we found out that what he has would be life shortening, and that it would eventually take all his abilities away, it was devastating. It just didn't feel real, it felt like a nightmare. It still does. We take it day by day and try our hardest to give him the best life possible." 

Weston inspires their whole family; he is their little superhero. He calls himself Captain Brave, and it could not be more fitting. 

"Because I am brave," Weston said.

His mom is always looking for ways to bring Weston joy and fun experiences. She heard about a nonprofit called Team IMPACT from another special needs mom on Facebook. Team IMPACT matches kids like Weston who are facing serious illness or disability, with college sports teams, creating a long-term, life-changing, and inspiring experience for everyone. 

"I just looked into it, and I sent in our application, and they called, and I didn't know what to expect," Ashley said. 

"Initially they just asked what he is interested in, what sports does he like, and we said anything, we just want him to have that experience of being part of a team. Putting in the work, and being a part of all the fun stuff that comes with being on a team," said Weston's dad. "You know, he most likely will not have the ability to be a part of a sports team. So, we were just excited for him to experience that. We didn't know who we were going to get matched with."  

When the Derricks finally found out in late 2023, they were absolutely stunned. 

"We got the email, and it said Weston has been matched with the Boise State Football team.We were like NO WAY. This is a dream," Gabe said.

Things moved quickly. Right away, the Boise State players wanted to get to know Weston. 

"They started actually coming to his school, they would have players come and have lunch with him," Ashley said. "They stayed and played with them at recess, so all the kids thought that was pretty cool."  

Weston said he felt so special spending time with the players at school. 

"They play on the playground with me," he said. 

Then, in February of 2024, it was time for signing day. The Broncos wanted to make it official. 

"Oh, that was unreal. We didn't really know what to expect. They invited us to the athletic compound, and from the moment we got out of the car, Coach Spencer Danielson and all those guys had come out and were clapping... raising their hands and stuff like that," Gabe said. "The door swings open, Weston walked through and it was electric. It was the entire team just hooping and hollering. Coach Danielson talked to him, and talked to us, and told us how excited they were for him to be a part of the team. Then, we went through the signing thing and he was a Bronco." 

Weston Derrick’s resiliency is an inspiration to all of us. We are so honored to welcome Captain Brave 🫡 to the Bronco family! 💙🧡 #BleedBlue Team IMPACT Boise State Broncos Boise State University

Posted by Boise State Football on Friday, February 9, 2024

We asked Weston what it was like to sign with the Broncos. 

"It was so exciting," said Weston. 

Little did he know, the best was yet to come. Next up, Weston was invited to the spring game in April.

"They just let him hang out and be a part of the team and watch them warm up," said Gabe. "Finally it was go time. He just rolled right out onto the field and he wasn't scared at all, he was excited and next thing you know he was in the end zone with the players."

Weston TD.mov

Captain Brave gives us a moment we’ll never forget 💙🧡 Six-⭐️ recruit Weston Derrick scores his first TD on The Blue after signing out of @TeamIMPACT in February! #BleedBlue | #BuiltDifferent

Posted by Boise State Football on Saturday, April 20, 2024

Weston scored and his sister Iris was so thrilled to see her brother celebrating with the team in the end zone. 

"I was super duper happy and I just wanted to go through and give him a big hug," said Iris. "I was super duper proud of him." 

Iris said they watch that incredible video as a family quite a bit.

"It's always special for him, I think every time he watches it he always feels really special and proud of himself because of how special he is," Iris said. 

The Derrick family plans to go to as many home games as they can. Weston even has his own Boise State jersey. On the back, it reads Captain Brave. 

Iris said she can't wait to watch her little brother be a part of Bronco games this fall. 

"Because he's super-duper strong and he doesn't let anything stop him," she said. 

Look for Weston on the sidelines at the next home game.

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