BOISE - A new public art installation at a Meridian Park is honoring heroes, both local and national. From Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., to Boise Olympian Kristin Armstrong, the idea is recognize those who inspire others.
The new Journey of Heroes display was dedicated on Thursday at Meridian's Heroes Park.
"It's overwhelming. It's really amazing to see things that go from an idea to a reality. It's kind of magic in a way," said Boise's Ken McCall, the artist behind that magic.
Standing at nearly 30 feet tall, the art piece features three tall poles topped with triangular sails depicting images of images of our veterans, police and firefighters, Sacagawea, Abraham Lincoln and Rosa Parks, among others.
"We want to recognize those that inspire others," Meridian Mayor Tammy de Weerd said at the dedication ceremony.
The project is a collaboration between the Meridian Arts Commission and the Meridian Parks and Recreation Department.
The city of Meridian asked local schools to nominate heroes in our community. Those people are now featured on five trail markers located along the park's loop. Heroes like Alex Fox of Star, Idaho. He was nominated by Rocky Mountain High School.
"I coach Special Olympics and I actually practiced with my team here, so it's kind of amazing to be honored here and have my picture up here," said Fox, who donated a kidney to a special needs girl he didn't even know.
Fox's selfless donation was inspired by his own son, Karston, who also has special needs.
Retired Principal Dean Brigham was chosen by his former students at Paramount Elementary.
"It's just an honor to be up here with this list of great people," Brigham said. "It's pretty humbling and a little odd to sit there and look at yourself on a plaque."
Three-time Olympic Gold Medalist Kristin Armstrong was nominated by the kids at Pioneer Elementary School.
"If you were to ask me what do you want your legacy to be, there's nothing better than being called a hero," Armstrong said. "You always just have to believe in yourself."
Other local heroes honored include WWII combat pilot Gregory "Pappy" Boyington, nominated by Heritage Middle School; and iconic Nez Perce leader Chief Joseph, who was nominated by Chief Joseph School of the Arts.
This park is a representation of the best of us - to inspire all of us.
"I think we all need our own heroes, our people to inspire us to do better everyday," Brigham said. "To get up and really motivate us to be the best person we can possibly be."