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West Nile virus found in mosquitoes in Payette County

Three mosquito traps all tested positive for the virus.
Credit: KTVB
West Nile virus

BOISE, Idaho — Mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus have shown up in Payette County.

Traps near Jewel Wetlands, Black Bridge and Falk Bridge all tested positive for the virus.

County crews will spray or fog the affected areas to limit the spread of the virus.

RELATED: More mosquitoes with West Nile virus found in Canyon, Owyhee counties

West Nile has also been detected in Canyon, Elmore, Twin Falls and Gem counties this year.

Here's some tips to keep mosquitoes away from you this summer - drain standing water, wear long sleeves and pants outdoors, and make sure to put on bug spray.

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