BOISE -- In his quest for a third term as Idaho governor, C.L. "Butch" Otter will be up against five challengers on the November 4 ballot. So far, the most heated competition Otter is facing comes from Democrat A.J. Balukoff, who has launched a statewide media campaign.
MORE: Candidates for statewide offices and candidates for Idaho Legislature
DEM A.J. Balukoff - website
Political and Professional Experience
- Certified Public Accountant
- Built successful accounting firm
- Started chain of health clubs
- Co-owner of the Grove Hotel, CenturyLink Arena, and the Idaho Steelheads hockey tea
- Served on board of directors of many nonprofit and community service associations
- 17 years as a Boise School Board Trustee
- Elected as President of the School Board eight years ago.
- B.S. in Accounting from Brigham Young University
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
Idaho needs a governor who will truly makes education the top priority. Idaho is at or near the bottom in every measure of student achievement. We are 47th in the rate of graduates going to college. About 37 percent of high-school graduates seek post-secondary education, yet in the next 10 years 60 percent of Idaho jobs will require higher education or training beyond high school. More than 40 Idaho school districts have dropped to four-day weeks because of state cuts. Classroom overcrowding and low pay have forced many excellent teachers to find better jobs in other states. Idaho ranks an embarrassing 50th in the nation for per-student investment. Since the mid-2000s, around the time Gov. Otter took office, our investment in public schools has plunged from about 4.4 percent of statewide personal income (where it had held steady from the 1970s into the early 2000s) to about 3.4 percent—which is about $600 million less funding for schools. At the same time, politicians have removed local control and refuse to listen to parents and educators about what our schools need most.
In 50 words or less, explain your vision for this office.
As governor, I will bring people together and support policies that are best for Idaho and its people, not special interests or connected insiders. And as governor, I will invest in education, rebuild our economy, and restore balance and transparency to state government.
LIB John T. Bujak - website
Political and Professional Experience
- 1990-1991: Served in the U.S. Navy – Honorably Discharged
- 1997: Admitted to the practice of law in Idaho
- 1997-1999: Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Canyon County, Idaho
- 1999: Idaho Deputy Attorney General assigned to the Idaho Human Rights Commission
- 1999-2008: Owner and manager of my own private law firm, Bujak Law, PLLC, in Nampa, Idaho
- 2009-2010: Elected Prosecuting Attorney for Canyon County, Idaho
- 2013 – present: Owner and manager of my own private law firm, Bujak Law Group, PLLC, in Eagle, Idaho
- 1986: Graduated from Coeur d'Alene High School
- 1990: Graduated from the College of Idaho, Caldwell, Idaho with a B.A. in History
- 1996: Graduated from Gonzaga University School of Law, Spokane, Washington with a J.D.
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
The most important issue facing Idaho families is their ability to earn a livable wage. Idaho leads the nation is minimum wage jobs as a result of failing to make economic development a priority. The most important thing Idaho can do in order to improve its economy is to gain access to lands within its borders currently controlled by the federal government. If wegain access to these lands, we can focus on manufacturing and energy production. These types of jobs pay more than minimum wage and will help lead Idaho out of the current economic recession.
In addition, Idaho needs to change its tax code so that the government stops picking winners and losers in the marketplace. The current model of giving tax breaks to big businesses results in small business owners in Idaho paying more than their fair share of the tax burden. Taxes need to be low, fair across the board, and predictable. Special interest tax incentives need to be eliminated so that everyone is paying their fair share and small businesses (the backbone of Idaho's economy) can thrive.
By improving Idaho's economy through gaining access to Idaho's lands and eliminating government interference in the marketplace, we can ensure that Idaho's economy thrives and families are able to earn a livable wage.
In 50 words or less, explain your vision for this office.
My vision is to provide conservative leadership while giving grassroots Idahoans a voice in their government again. Under a Bujak administration, cronyism and corruption will end and the voice of the people will matter more than the voices of lobbyists, special interests and political insiders.
IND Jill Humble - website
Political and Professional Experience
- 40+ years as a registered nurse
- Hospital operations, regulatory oversight, and extensive teaching experience
- Worked in a not-for-profit healthcare accrediting organization on a national basis over several years in the arena of life and death system improvements, affecting the safety of hundreds of thousands of patients.
- Post-Master Certificate in Nursing Education - Nebraska Methodist College
- MSEd in Adult & Counselor Education - Northern Illinois University
- BS in Nursing - Northern Illinois University
- AAS in Nursing- Elgin Community College
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
Having gone out for months going door-to-door, visiting Farmer's Markets, universities/colleges and various town/state events I have talked to thousands of Idahoan's and have heard three concerns expressed over and over: 1) expand Medicaid, 2) education funding, 3) adequate wages/jobs, so my priority is placing us on a better economic path.
I will serve with the Legislature to expand Medicaid now. The impact of not accepting expanded Medicaid is an economic issue. Right now we are paying for those uncovered for healthcare. Millions of Idaho's tax dollars would be saved immediately. We can stop the hemorrhage from the general fund. Those saving can be used for education. The added bonus is an additional 16 thousand jobs statewide, $717 million in payroll, $61 million in tax revenue. Economically it supports everyone across the state. 70,000 Idahoan's would now have access to healthcare immediately.
Jobs and revenue are scarce, Idahoan's need immediate and sustainable jobs. Expanding Medicaid is a no nonsense start to placing Idaho on a stronger economic footing. I seek to serve with the legislature to accept expanded Medicaid or its redesign. Call your Legislature or the Governors office today and let them know Idaho must pass expanded Medicaid now. Help me to help you make this a better Idaho for all Idahoan's. A Humble Governor for Idaho.
In 50 words or less, explain your vision for this office.
I am independent candidate, beholden to no party, special interest group, or lobbyists. YOU are my special interest. Every decision would be made for the greater good for the greatest number of Idahoan's. For additional information visit my website:
REP C.L. "Butch" Otter - website
Political and Professional Experience
- Idaho Governor, 2007 - present
- U.S. House of Representatives, 2001 - 2007
- Idaho Lieutenant Governor, 1987 - 2001
- J.R. Simplot Company (retired in 1993) - Board of Directors; Director of Food Products Division; President of Simplot Livestock; President of Simplot International
- Idaho House of Representatives, 1973 - 1977
- Member of Idaho Republican Central Committee
- Chairman of Canyon County Republican Party
- Served in Idaho National Guard's 116th Armored Cavalry, 1968 - 1973
- Graduated from St. Theresa's Academy (now Bishop Kelly High School)
- Attended Boise Junior College (now Boise State University)
- Received BA in political science from College of Idaho
- Awarded honorary doctorates from the University of the Philippines and the College of Idaho
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
We need to provide more and better educational and career opportunities for all Idahoans from students,to workers and even those living in rural parts of our state. To accomplish that, I'm focused on continuing to implement the Education Task Force's 20 recommendations for improving public schools, including a $350 million reinvestment into Education over five years. The recommendations include more transparency and accountability, higher teacher pay, increased local control and innovation, as well as a plan to reward achievement and excellence.
I also will work to advance my K-through-Career initiative that includes improve in the skills of Idaho's workforce to meet employer demands in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Too many Idahoans are underemployed or may not have the skills needed to move up the career ladder. We will change that by bringing together our colleges and universities, our vocational - technical training centers, our community leaders and industry, to ensure our citizens can prepare for careers today and tomorrow. This is especially important as businesses expand across the state and we continue to see more companies wanting to open new locations in Idaho. We need to make sure we have a workforce ready to meet the needs of employers.
And finally, we must address Idaho's long-term infrastructure needs - from transportation and energy to broadband connectivity and water management. Idaho must come to terms with not only the need but how best to address these challenges if we are going to continue to be competitive in an increasingly global economy. I will work with the Legislature, stakeholders and the public to meet the long-term revenue needs of ensuring our roads and bridges are safe and efficient. I will keep pushing against federal resistance to responsibly extending electrical transmission lines desperately needed to bring economic growth to every corner of our state. I will take every opportunity to extend Internet connectivity not only to our classrooms, but also to our rural and remote communities. And I will continue pressing for more and better ways to protect the quality and supply of our precious water resources.
In 50 words or less, explain your vision for this office.
I'm deeply committed to living within the people's means, protecting the people's freedoms and holding our state government to its proper role. I will continue to be a champion for individual freedom, Idaho values and our independent, self-reliant way of life. I'm always striving to build a brighter future for all Idahoans.
CON Steve Pankey - website
Political and Professional Experience
- 2010 Primary Republican Lieutenant Governor Candidate
- Commercial property manager
- La Puente Alternative High School
- Aims Community College
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
Education is the most important issue facing Idaho families. Making Idaho's education number 1 in the nation is my passion. Keep government out of homeschooling, and private schools. Allow local school boards to decide public school curriculum. Lead with gifted students who will be tomorrow's professionals. Gifted students are societies' problem solvers. Provide vocational training to middle school and high school students who do not want to attend college. As Governor I will: 1) support repurposing Idaho's State Budget around education. 2) encourage the Idaho Land Board to adopt an immediate 'money in - money out to education policy.' VOTERS MUST: A) Vote Steve Pankey for Governor November 4. B) Vote Democrat for Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Idaho State Controller. C) never ever trust a Republican with education or money.
In 50 words or less, explain your vision for this office.
Two term Governor vision: Make Idaho's education number 1 in the nation. Form a high tech Israel - Idaho business alliance. Honor our commitments to Idaho's returning veterans. Encourage simple language legislation that says what it means, and means what it says. Give God credit.
IND Pro-Life - website
Political and Professional Experience
- 2004: Changed middle name to Pro-Life, ran for State Legislature
- 2006: Ran for Governor as Marvin Pro-Life Richardson, the name Pro-Life was not allowed on the ballot by Idaho Secretary of State so Pro-Life went to court and dropped the names Marvin and Richardson
- 2007: Ran for Fire Commissioner
- 2008: Candidate for U.S. Senate
- 2010: Ran in the general election against incumbent Butch Otter for Governor
- 2012: Ran in the general election against incumbent Raul Labrador for US Representative, District 1
- 2002-2013: Presently an organic farmer, mostly strawberries. Pro-life and Kirsten spend their time on the farm and in moral activism, trying to persuade people to give up their selfishness and bring God and His 'Ten Comandments' back into government
- 1957-1958 University High School, Laramie, Wyoming; Sportswriters All-State basketball
- 1960-Graduated from Lander Wyoming High School
- 1964-1967 Brigham Young University, graduated in 1967, Political Science
- 1969-1971 Back at Brigham Young University for the last time, studied accounting.
What is the most important issue facing Idaho families, and if elected, how would you make that issue a priority?
Day one as governor I would end all abortion in Idaho through executive order; chemical abortifacients included. If a state cannot protect the innocent, then what chance does it have of getting the political questions right? Abortion tears apart families. Families are the backbone of society.