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Chad Daybell trial day 23: Utah deputy chief medical examiner testifies about Tammy's death

Chad Daybell is accused of murder in the deaths of his wife Lori Vallow's children, JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, as well as the death of his first wife Tammy Daybell.

BOISE, Idaho — The 23rd day of Chad Daybell's murder trial continued Tuesday with details of Tammy's Daybell's exhumed body, as well as location data from a tracked phone in the months leading up to the deaths of Tammy Daybell, JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan.

The jury heard from attorney Lindsey Blake, as she called the state's witness, Dr. Lily Marsden. Dr. Marsden assisted the case as the deputy chief medical examiner in Utah. Investigator Ricky Wright then took the stand and testified about his role in the investigation, which was to look for the missing children.

On Monday, the court heard testimony from a variety of witnesses, with a few prior witnesses being recalled. 

The day started with Nicole Heideman, who testified about wedding plans and a written work of Daybell that mirrored his real life. After Heideman, Dr. Angi Christensen took the stand, a forensic anthropologist. She did the analysis of Tylee Ryan's remains for signs of weapons used on the body. 

The next witness was Tylee's best friend Ashlynn Rynd. Rynd testified that Tylee was very maternal over her younger brother JJ Vallow. Her testimony was short. 

David Sincerbeaux testified next. He's a forensic chemist with Idaho State Police. He talked about the chemicals and other processes used to work on Tylee's body. Then, Detective Chuck Kunsaitis from Rexburg Police Department, who testified earlier in the trial, was called back to the stand. On Monday, he testified about satellite images taken of the Daybell property, highlighting an area on the property where Tylee's body was found. Kunsaitis got a bit teary-eyed talking about finding Tylee's body. 

A forensic examiner for weapons and firearms also took the stand. Doug Halepaska testified about the weapons used on Tylee's body. Finally, FBI Special Agent Nick Ballance took the stand. His identity was hidden on the live stream. He testified a great deal about cell phone records on the day Tammy Daybell died, showing texts between Lori Vallow, Chad Daybell and Alex Cox. 

Court concluded early on Monday, due to the state witnesses testifying a bit quicker than expected. 

The trial is expected to last two to four more weeks. 

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3:28 p.m.: In conclusion for the day, during Prior's cross examination of Wright, he discusses the margin-of-error for where data points from Alex Cox's phone were collected near Daybell's property on the morning of Sept. 23. The judge ends court proceedings for the day. Cross examination of Wright will continue Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.

3:20 p.m.: Wright confirms that Melanie Gibb, David Warwick and Alex Cox were reported to be at Alex and Lori's apartment complex on Sept. 22, moving back and forth from apartment #107 and #175 within the same complex until the early morning hours of Monday, Sept. 23. Prior presents messages alleged to be from Melanie to Lori regarding a nightmare/vision that David had just had and iterates previous testimony about Alex being seen carrying JJ over his shoulder Sunday night.

3:07 p.m.: Prior asks Wright about his knowledge of animal remains in the pet cemetery, where Tylee's remains were found, before shifting to the happenings on Sunday, Sept. 22.

2:58 p.m.: Wright testifies that there were data points collected from the device on Sept. 8 through Sept. 9 in apartment #107. Prior then changes gears and questions Wright about Daybell's property and the layout of the driveway in relation to where Tylee's remains were found in Daybell's back yard. He asks Wright about Tammy Daybell's work schedule, as of Sept. 9, and if he was involved in the "chemical testing" of the apartment in Rexburg. Wright says he was not and does not know the results of the tests.

2:43 p.m.: Court reconvenes for continued cross-examination of investigator Wright by Daybell's attorney, John Prior. Wright continues to be questioned about location data collected from track phone.

2:15 p.m.: Court takes 25-minute recess.

2:09 p.m.: Prior asks Wright about phone location data collected showing the device at Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park on the last day Tylee was seen alive, before phone records show the device returning to Rexburg.

1:54 p.m.: Between Oct. 16 and Oct. 18, Wright says data shows the tracked phone traveled from Hurricane, Utah to Las Vegas and back to Rexburg. On Oct. 18, the phone appears to have been at a Chick-fil-A and then a church, before recording a gap in location data between 10:45 p.m. and 11:53 p.m. The phone began recording data again just before midnight in Idaho Falls. Blake asks Wright when Tammy Daybell was found dead; he responds that it was the following day on Oct. 19. Blake ends her questioning of Wright and Prior begins cross examination.

1:40 p.m.: On Oct. 8, 2019, a track phone -- purchased at a Walmart at the same time Cox is confirmed to have been at the Walmart -- was activated. Wright says the device activated the following day and was pinged near Daybell's residence at approximately 5 p.m. The device was then at apartment 107 from 5:16 p.m. to 11:53 p.m.

1:27 p.m.: Wright described receipts from Sportsman's Warehouse that showed Cox had purchased camo pants, fingerless gloves, a ski mask, rain pants and a soda among other items purchased with cash. The pants were later confirmed to be at the apartment complex. 

1:04 p.m.: Court is back in session. Blake continues questioning investigator Wright about Alex Cox's location data, where his device was located at the Fremont shooting range on Oct. 15, as well as at Alex and Lori's apartment. Additionally, there was a stop at Chad Daybell's house for 15 minutes that afternoon.

11:56 a.m.: Lunch break takes place now, and return at 1 p.m.

11:40 a.m.: After a great deal of testimony from Investigator Wright, John Prior objects to several questions. Prior has traditionally objected more frequently than he is for this witness. Wright's testimony continues. Prosecution provides receipts from Walmart as exhibits. They show the purchasing of pre-paid cell phones. Alex Cox was the one buying the phones, based on the location of his cell phone. As part of his investigation, Wright also looked at the location of Alex Cox's phone compared to gun ranges. There were a few occasions in which Alex Cox went to a gun range. 

11:22 a.m.: A text that Chad had sent to Tammy Daybell about killing a racoon is displayed in court. Roughly at the same time that text was sent, there was cell activity on the Daybell property. Then, they discuss data points by the pond of the property. The device in question goes from Alex Cox's house to Chad's house, then to Lori Vallow's house. This was the last day that JJ Vallow was seen alive. Wright testifies that Alex Cox was on the Daybell property both of the days that law enforcement believes the children to have died. Another slide from the presentation is shown, it's a picture of Tylee's Jeep Wrangler. The car came into question after Alex Cox attempted to shoot at Lori Vallow's nephew, Brandon Boudreaux. 

11:02 a.m.: A view of the apartment's Lori Vallow and Alex Cox lived is shown. Wright testifies about what devices were where. Wright then talks about Tylee Ryan's whereabouts. Her last known location was the apartment that Lori rented in Rexburg on September 8, 2019. A satellite image of the Daybell property is shown in court, indicating what devices were pinging on that property. Alex Cox's popped up there.

10:46 a.m.: Wright testifies about Alex Cox's location while he, Lori Vallow, and the two kids were in Yellowstone National Park on September 8, 2019. Wright continues to talk about the location of Alex Cox's device and where it was traveling. There was no deviation from a populated areas while traveling. 

10:29 a.m.: The jury is brought back in, and direct examination continues for Investigator Wright. They review the phone data of Alex Cox, and a particular device used by Cox. Wright states that Alex Cox was involved in the situation due to his move to Idaho with Lori Vallow. Alex Cox and Chad Daybell were friendly, friends even. 

9:54 a.m.: Wright asked Agent Ballance to look at cell phone records for when the children were missing. There was about a three-month period of time where the whereabouts of the children were unknown. Wright also requested cell phone location data for the month of October, related to Tammy Daybell. A PowerPoint is admitted to the court, it's a presentation that Wright put together for his testimony. It pertains to the Homer J. Maximus account - which belonged to Alex Cox, Lori Vallow's brother. Before the exhibit is talked about, morning break takes place. Court will be back at 10:20 a.m.

9:35 a.m.: Prior asks for re-cross, but Judge Boyce doesn't allow it. Testimony for Dr. Marsden concludes, and she will not be recalled. Investigator Ricky Wright takes the stand now. Lindsey Blake is questioning this witness as well. He's currently employed as a contract special investigator for the FBI. Before that, he was a special agent. He was a special agent for 24+ years and discusses his qualifications. Wright testifies about his role in the investigation, which was to look for the missing children. It started with JJ Vallow, and it was later determined that Tylee was also missing. 

9:21 a.m.: They talk about Tammy's heart health. Prior argues that she may have died from congenital heart failure. Marsden states that she didn't die from heart failure, it was the lack of oxygen in her body. There were no signs of the airways or bones being damaged or hurt. Prior then asks about rigor mortis. After a few more questions, Prior wraps cross examination up and redirect takes place. Tammy supposedly had dizzy spells or seizures, which was only reported by Chad Daybell - there was nothing in medical records that showed she had such spells. Prosecution asks about asphyxiation - Tammy's cause of death. Prosecution asks if there are ways to do that without leaving a mark, Marsden says yes. 

9:08 a.m.: Direct examination concludes, and defense attorney John Prior takes up questioning the witness. He asks how long the autopsy took; the witness says two to three hours. Tammy's family was not present for the process of her exhumation or reburial. Back to the bruises, Marsden testifies that there is no specificity of when the bruises occurred, but there is a general timeframe.

8:55 a.m.: There were bruises on Tammy's arms, which were consistent with someone applying pressure or holding her down. Dr. Marsden took samples of the bruises to look to see how old they were. All the bruises were considered acute, no inflammatory response, meaning that they occurred within hours of her death, or a few minutes after her death. Now Marsden is discussing the difference between a coroner and a medical examiner. 

8:45 a.m.: After a brief sidebar, prosecutor Lindsey Blake continues to question the witness. The witness testifies about the autopsy of Tammy Daybell. Based upon outside examination, there was no apparent cause of death. After performing a usual autopsy, the only thing Marsden noticed about Tammy's body was that she had fluid in her lungs, more than normal. Marsden was able to extract a series of fluids from Tammy's autopsy, where specialized testing occurred. Based on all the tests, the only thing they found was an anti-depressant that was prescribed to her. It was at a normal level. 

8:34 a.m.: The jurors are brought in for the 23rd day of Chad Daybell's trial. Lindsey Blake calls the state's next witness, Dr. Lily Marsden. Dr. Marsden works as the deputy chief medical examiner in Utah. She has held a few different pathology and medical examiner roles. She then discusses her education and other qualifications for her role. Dr. Marsden performed the autopsy on Tammy Daybell. 

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