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Idaho National Laboratory's role with the White House

Idaho National Laboratory is assisting the White House in the federal initiative to make charging for electric vehicles more accessible.
Credit: Idaho National Laboratory
INL's vast charging data network has been invaluable to the Joint Office's efforts to meet these White House deliverables.

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — The White House recently announced the plan in responding to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law's request to make electric vehicle charging more accessible.  

Federal government officials have identified that one of the biggest challenges for electric vehicle (EV) drivers is their access to charging stations.

In order to meet the growing transportation demand, the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation said that as electric vehicle charging infrastructure is deployed nationwide, it will be safe in its process.

Idaho National Laboratory's John Smart, Jean Chu and Torrey Lyons served on the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation team that made these standards for safety and accessibility possible.  

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) was asked to participate because of its experience in both charging cybersecurity and charger siting.

INL has been collecting data for over 20 years, on techniques to enhance EV chargers - data that the joint office would like to adopt at it prepares to deploy new minimum standards and requirements. 

"This is the first time the federal government has established a national standard for electric vehicle charging infrastructure," INL's Smart said. 

"The joint office team pooled our technical expertise to help Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) establish regulations we perceive as necessary to help the industry grow and achieve a national charging network that is convenient, affordable, reliable and equitable. We also worked to ensure that these standards do not stifle innovation," he added. 

Lyons said that INL will strive to ensure equity and environmental justice is kept in mind throughout the process as they work with states to implement a national charging network.

"As evidenced by the Justice40 Initiative, a key Biden administration goal is to ensure that the benefits of the national charging network are enjoyed by those who have been historically left behind by the transportation system." said Lyons.

In addition to these minimum standards and requirements, the joint office collaborated with FHWA to provide clarification on how Buy America requirements will apply to charging stations funded by the Department of Transportation. 

The document released by FHWA indicates that by July 2024, at least 55% of the contents needed to assemble new vehicle chargers must be manufactured in the United States.  

"This guidance document will drive billions of dollars in investment throughout the nation," Chu said. 

"Ideally, it will facilitate development of a domestic supply chain for electric vehicle charging equipment, positioning the United States as a continued leader in the world's transition to electric transportation." 

Smart said that "although we all come from different organizations and backgrounds, we have banded together as a single team for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are thrilled to work with federal and state government agencies and the private sector to establish a national charging network that will make it possible for everyone to ride and drive electric."

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