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Volunteers needed for annual cleanup of Sawtooth National Recreation area

The cleanup is self-guided and will last two weeks. Volunteers can sign up between Sept. 13 and 30.

BOISE, Idaho — The beauty of the Sawtooth National Recreational area draws people from all over the world during the summer, but sometimes visitors leave behind a mess.

To preserve the area, the Conservation League and several other organizations are asking for volunteers for a two-week-long cleanup of the front and back-county areas of the Sawtooth's. The event is self-guided, and participants can choose any date between Sept. 13 and 30.

"In its fifth year, this annual event has led to the removal of 234 industrial-sized bags of garbage from the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. Volunteers also break up illegal fire rings, take unofficial structures apart, pull weeds, and clean human waste issues," the news release stated.

Event organizers said times, dates, and cleanup areas are subject to change because of fire activity. 

For more information or to sign up, click here

"This is a fun, hands-on opportunity to help protect the core values of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. I hope you can join us!"

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