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Boise Farmers Market to close early again on Saturday

Event organizers decided to close early on Saturday, July 20, due to expected triple-digit numbers. They recommend customers take advantage of its drive-thru.

BOISE, Idaho — The Boise Farmers Market will again close early on Saturday, July 20, as triple-digit temperatures are expected to carry into the weekend. Last weekend, the market closed early for the same reason.

According to organizers, like last weekend, the new limited hours will be 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and its to protect those attending.

"Last week, recorded temperatures were eight degrees hotter on the pavement. In an abundance of care for our shoppers and vendors, we will close at noon again this Saturday," said Executive Director Amber Beierle in a news release. 

While the heat is of concern, event organizers are allowing customers to "skip the heat entirely" with its drive-thru. Organizers said those who want to use the service must order before 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday.

For those who will brave the heat and walk around the market, event organizers said it will have cooling stations with complimentary water for the public.

For further information about the Boise Farmers Market, visit their website here.

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