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Chad Daybell trial day 24: Rexburg detective retakes the stand, AG investigator reveals texts

Chad Daybell is accused of murder in the deaths of his wife Lori Vallow's children, JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan, as well as the death of his first wife Tammy Daybell.

BOISE, Idaho — May 15 marked day 24 of Chad Daybell's high-profile murder trial, his attorney John Prior began with continued cross examination of FBI investigator Ricky Wright, followed by the first witness of the trial, Rexburg Detective Ray Hermosillo, and Idaho Attorney General investigator Nicholas Edwards, who testified with a detailed correspondence timeline and text messages leading up to and following Tammy's death.

Chad Daybell, Lori Vallow and Alex Cox are believed by investigators to have conspired in the deaths of Tammy Daybell, JJ Vallow and Tylee Ryan. Lori Vallow has already faced trial and was sentenced to life in prison. Alex Cox, however, died in the midst of the investigation, so he cannot face charges. 

On Tuesday, jurors heard details of Tammy's Daybell's exhumed body, as well as location data from a tracked phone in the months leading up to the deaths of Tammy, JJ and Tylee.

The jury heard from prosecuting attorney Lindsey Blake, as she called the state's witness, Dr. Lily Marsden. Dr. Marsden assisted the case as the deputy chief medical examiner in Utah. Investigator Ricky Wright then took the stand and testified about his role in the investigation, which was to look for the missing children.

On Monday, May 13, the court heard testimony from a variety of witnesses, with a few prior witnesses being recalled. 

The day started with Nicole Heideman, who testified about wedding plans and a written work of Daybell that mirrored his real life. After Heideman, Dr. Angi Christensen took the stand, a forensic anthropologist. She did the analysis of Tylee Ryan's remains for signs of weapons used on the body. 

The next witness was Tylee's best friend Ashlynn Rynd. Rynd testified that Tylee was very maternal over her younger brother JJ Vallow. Her testimony was short. The court then heard from David Sincerbeaux, a forensic chemist. After him, Rexburg Police Department Detective Chuck Kunsaitis testified. Court wrapped up early on Monday. 

David Sincerbeaux testified next. He's a forensic chemist with Idaho State Police. He talked about the chemicals and other processes used to work on Tylee's body. Then, Detective Chuck Kunsaitis from Rexburg Police Department, who testified earlier in the trial, was called back to the stand. On Monday, he testified about satellite images taken of the Daybell property, highlighting an area on the property where Tylee's body was found. Kunsaitis got a bit teary-eyed talking about finding Tylee's body. 

The trial is expected to last two to four more weeks. 

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3:08 p.m.: Blake questions Edwards for approximately 5 minutes asking where Tammy's dead body was found, as well as what the connection between Tammy and Alex is and where the two children's bodies were found -- to which Edwards replies "Chad Daybell" to both. Judge Boyce says the state has one additional witness, who is scheduled to testify tomorrow. Therefore, jurors can anticipate a short day in court. Court ends for the day and will reconvene Thursday morning.

2:57 p.m.: Prior continued to question Edwards about the gun used in the attempted shooting of Tammy. "If Tammy Daybell was shot at on the 9th, why would someone be searching a suppressor two days later?" To which question, Edwards said it appears the shooter did not know how to use the gun, which is why Tammy went unharmed the evening of Oct. 9. Prior then pivots to Alex Cox's phone and its whereabouts that evening. Prior concludes with alleging Edwards' testimony regarding the text messages was ultimately "speculation," and not solid evidence. Edwards says his training and experience is why he came to his conclusions. Prior completes his cross examination of Edwards.

2:42 p.m.: Prior reiterates several of the timestamps and dates that Edwards had noted in his previous testimony with Blake, eventually landing on the subject of the gun Tammy had mentioned, and whether or not he could positively determine if the fun was indeed a real gun or a paintball gun. Blake then objected, stating that the questioning was "argumentative," to which the judge agreed.

2:18 p.m.: Break ends and Prior begins his cross examination of investigator Nicholas Edwards. He begins by revising the timeline that Edwards just provided in his testimony and questioning by prosecuting attorney Blake.

1:55 p.m.: Edwards reads dozens of text messages exchanged between Alex, Chad, Lori and Zulema from the evening of Oct. 18, 2019, to the early morning hours of Oct. 19. Alex's phone can be found traveling from a nearby LDS church to Tammy and Chad's home. Lori is in Hawaii at this time. The morning after Tammy died, on Oct. 20, Lori and Chad exchange romantic text messages, while Chad discusses needing to go to the mortuary. Edwards says Chad and Tammy each had $300,000 life insurance policies established in 2002. Additionally, Tammy had a $130,000 policy through the school district in which she worked. Chad collected money from both policies. On Nov. 24, Chad gave Alex the "patriarchal blessing," in which Chad stated, "you have already assisted us in many ways that can never be repaid." Initially, Tammy's cause of death was documented as "natural causes" by the coroner. However, on Dec. 11, her body was exhumed. The next day, on Dec. 12, Alex Cox was found dead. Edwards was also involved in the search for JJ and Tylee and was present when JJ's body was found. Blake concludes her questioning. Court takes a break before attorney Prior begins cross examining Edwards.

1:35 p.m.: Edwards testifies that on Oct. 9, Alex's phone was tracked traveling from Fremont County to Idaho Falls, later being pinged traveling passed Daybell's home. Later that night, at 9:41 p.m., Tammy's son-in-law called 911 to report an attempted shooting. Tammy emailed her son telling him the shooting happened at 9:15 p.m. Tammy was not shot or injured during this incident. An image of Alex's AR and an image of a paintball gun are displayed on the courtroom screen. Edwards says that he can identify that the AR is "modified." Two days later, Alex's internet records show he searched for, "What caliber would penetrate a windshield," among other gun-related searches.

1:13 p.m.: Court reconvenes with prosecutor Blake questioning Idaho Attorney General investigator Nicholas Edwards. Edwards continues with the timeline and testifies about phone records. He says on Oct. 8, 2019, Alex Cox's phone shows he went to the gun range and searched for information about bullet distances and the area code for Rhode Island. He says that between 9:21 a.m. on Oct. 9 and 2:28 a.m. on Oct. 10, there were 90 calls and text messages between Alex, Chad, Zulema and Lori.

12:05 p.m.: Edwards reads an exhibit Blake proposes of text messages from Chad to Lori. Edwards reads them aloud, in part Chad writes: "Big news about Tammy. She has been switched; she is in limbo...I have talked to Tammy in limbo, and she seems to be very frustrated." Court breaks for lunch.

12:02 p.m.: Blake continues to ask Edwards about the timeline of Lori and Chad's relationship. He says Chad returned to Arizona again on March 19, 2019, and Lori then traveled to Idaho Falls on April 2. On May 5, internet search history shows Lori and Chad had searched for malachite rings. On June 29, 2019, Charles (Lori's husband) emails Tammy (Chad's still wife) informing her of Lori and Chad's affair. Charles also sent Chad an email regarding the affair. Charles was killed 12 days later, on July 11. Two days after Charles' death, Chad and Lori exchanged several romantic text messages. On July 18, Lori texts Chad about Charles changing his life insurance policy beneficiary to Kay Woodcock. Edwards says that Lori's messages said that it was Ned who changed it "before we got rid of him." Ned was the evil spirit that Lori and Chad say was inside Charles. On July 30, Edwards says Lori and Chad texted about needing to discuss the "dark" and "light" percentages of people. In the messages, Chad said Tammy was not feeling well, as if her "body and spirit were being separated." In August, Chad visited Lori again in Arizona.

11:41 a.m.: Nicholas Edwards takes the stand for questioning from prosecutor Blake. Edwards is the lead investigator with the Idaho Attorney General's Office and worked as a law enforcement officer in Pocatello. He has extensive sniper and SWAT training. He says his role in the investigation focused primarily on Tammy's death. Edwards explains the timeline of his involvement, stating that on Oct. 26, 2018, Lori and Chad met in St. George. On Oct. 30, Chad's Google search records show he searched "Lori Vallow" and "Charles Vallow." On Nov. 16, Chad traveled to Mesa, Arizona, where Lori lived, and stayed with her at her home. He returned to AZ on Jan. 6, Lori and Charles began divorce proceeding on Feb. 8, 2019.

11:23 a.m.: Prior begins by asking Hermosillo about a safe haven village being built for when the "second coming" happens. Hermosillo says he doesn't know anything about it. He asks Hermosillo about a call made on June 8, 2020, at 9:16 p.m., the night before police searched Daybell's property for JJ and Tylee's remains. Prior enter exhibits found in Alex and Lori's garage, in which duct tape, a fire lighter, a saw, bucket, gloves, bolt cutters, knives, guns, various weapons and a tarp were found. Prior nor prosecutor Rob Wood have any further questions Hermosillo and his testimony is over. Judge says Hermosillo is done testifying for remainder of trial.

11:04 a.m.: The jury returns to the courtroom and court is back in session. Chad Daybell's attorney John Prior begins cross examination of Rexburg Detective Ray Hermosillo.

9:42 a.m.: In the audio recording, Lori Vallow and Chad Daybell discuss a YouTube video of made in Alex Cox's memory. They appear to be frustrated with Alex Cox's death. More of the audio is played, with Lori Vallow asking Chad Daybell for information about the investigation. Direct examination concludes. Before cross examination begins, mid-morning break takes place. Court takes mid-morning break. 

9:25 a.m.: The next witness is called, Rexburg Detective Ray Hermosillo, the first witness of this trial, is back on the stand. Prosecutor Rob Wood will question the witness. He testifies about Lori Vallow calling Chad Daybell from jail, with police listening to the calls to try to help find the kids. An audio recording of one of the phone calls is played in court. During the audio call, Chad says he texted Ray, which was not Ray Hermosillo. Ray was an alias used by Alex Cox. What was odd about this, was that Alex Cox was dead at the time Chad said he texted him.

9:05 a.m.: Prior continues cross examination, asking the witness if he looked into other occasion where Alex Cox's phone was nearby the Daybell property. The witness said he noted the ones that it happened, there were seven key instances. Cox would drive by on the highway, but only seven times did he go to the property during the investigation window. Cross examination concludes. The state will redirect. Prosecution asks about a cluster of dots on a satellite image, the witness is unsure of what the building where the dots are is. Prosecution later asks if Chad Daybell had a regular work schedule. As a writer, he did not, according to the witness. After asking if the bodies of two children were found on the Daybell property, which the witness said yes, redirect concludes, and the witness is excused.

8:41 a.m.: Court is back in session for the 24th day of the Chad Daybell trial. Special contract investigator Ricky Wright takes the stand again to continue cross examination. John Prior, the defense attorney, asks if Chad Daybell was present at the Alex Cox's apartment around Sept. 22. Then, they talk about gun ranges that Alex Cox went to. Wright points out the 100-, 200- and 300-yard lengths of the shooting range. Wright testifies that Alex Cox was on the range, but with the data points he has, it's unclear exactly where. Prior then asks about some purchases that Alex Cox made at a Sportsman Warehouse. Cox bought hunting pants, a ski mask, a set of gloves and a camo beanie were bought before the attempted shooting of Brandon Boudreaux. 

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